Welcome Emails Ideas Every Ecommerce Brand Should Use

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  • Welcome Emails Ideas Every Ecommerce Brand Should Use

Email plays a very important role when it comes to the promotion of your online Ecommerce brand and if you are able to use the right strategies at the right time, it will draw some really nice sales figures in your account. They are the personal connect point between your store and your first time buyer, so it can be used to make a lasting impression about your brand. In this article, we are going to tell you few tips on how to do it right.

  • Strong Call To Action Along With Introduction

Many of the ecommerce news bulletins and newsletters that you are planning to send to your loyal buyers must have strong introduction to whatever you have on offer and you must include the link of the specific page where you want to grab the attention of the person. You email should not be like those emails that end up being spammed or deleted by the user. You should only include one call to action in the entire email otherwise you will end up cluttering it with the information that is otherwise not useful to the buyer.

  • Include Images Of Most Popular Products

Including the images of the products that you want to attract buyers will definitely grab their attention and they will be more than happy to spend time knowing more about them. When you contact a first time buyer in their email, you don’t have much of the related data about them and you only have an idea on the products they have searched on your portal. This might sound too little to many but it can be used in a much smarter way. Linking products that are similar to what the potential customer has searched on your site will attract his attention. The icing on the cake can be added attractions like discount coupons that will lure them up to buy more from you. You also have a choice to link your social media pages where they will have all the latest updates of your page.

  • List Most Popular Products In Your Email

This email should be with or after the mail that you have sent with the discount coupon and the link of the items that closely matches with the ones the user has browsed through. Start by showing the 5 most popular products that you have on your portal and this will get the attention of the user from the previous email. It largely depends on the line of products that you have on your portal and it will be a good idea that you include one from every segment. This will allow you to hit with an impact and it will add up to the chances of your products getting sold.


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